Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sleep is very necessary

August 4, 2011
Today was a bit rough.  I woke up and I was just not feeling well.  Being the way that I am, I tried to push through.  I made it through most of dance class before I had to sit out.  I didn’t get as sick as other people have, but I definitely wasn’t myself. 
After dance, I went to my room and slept from 11-3 and woke up to eat one of my granola bars before drum class.  I felt a little better after the extra sleep. 
It is quite possible; I just did too much physical exertion and didn’t give myself enough food calories to counteract my burn.  Who knows, but I am feeling a bit better now.  Hopefully, I will wake up in the morning completely refreshed.

I will say that I got a chance to talk with some of the younger teachers on the Dagbe staff today; they are 19 and 20 years old.  Allie and I were helping Jackson, who is 20 years old and an incredible drummer, read through a fairy tale book.  His English reading skills are quite good!  After that my morning dance class partner Enoch, who is 19, and I got to talking about music and life in general.  We actually went on my laptop and started listening to some of the American music that he likes.  He is a new fan of “Teach Me How To Dougie”.  He also apparently likes listening to Michael Jackson, Rihanna, and……Celine Dion.   He was also helping me fix the new sogo variation part that I was having some trouble with today.  Very helpful.

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