Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dress Rehearsal: Ghana Style

August 12, 2011
Today has been completely exhausting.  I am confident I sweat off at least two pounds.  Morning dance class was a dress rehearsal for as many songs as we could fit in.  Most people danced one or two.  A few of us danced three songs.  Tokoe, Gahu, and Agbekor.   During Tokoe, Nani decided to add another variation….so I am hoping it is still as good with the new moves. 

After dance, I finished my basket, which looks great!!

I then had a quick lunch before my Kpanlogo dance lesson with Odartey.  We worked our way through the dance.  I think I am ready.  I will be performing it for my classmates and the staff with Odartey during drum class.  We will also be performing Tokoe again.

I am pretty wiped.  Dancing all day on concrete can do a number on your muscles.  All I know is that I will sleep well tonight.  I can’t wait to show everyone the videos of Dagbe. 

I am thinking instead of doing Zumba, I should teach all of you Gahu.  It is a very intense cardio workout.  Maybe I will do a couple classes for the staff at Spruce.  Hahaha!!

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