Tuesday, August 2, 2011

3 dance lessons in one day is considered crazy.

August 2, 2011
Another day at Dagbe!  This morning’s dance lesson was intense!  Thankfully it started drizzling and we felt the breeze while we danced Gahu.  We have learned the basic movements, along with four variations of it so far.   After dance we had our lunch of spaghetti with a spicy vegetable sauce.  It was sooooooo good!  I was craving some pasta.  

After lunch, I took a second lesson on the Tokoe dance.  I can’t wait to teach it to my first graders next year!  It is hard to believe that I did two sessions of dance in the morning…and I am still doing another private lesson with Odante at night!  I am pretty sure I have sweat off about three pounds already!

During our afternoon drum session, we discovered that there is now a pair of German musicians at the center with us now.  In order to join our drum class, we all needed to go to libation again.  This way everyone was part of the family.   At drum class, our new friends joined us.   We were also introduced to playing the kidi.  The Gahu pattern for kidi was much harder than the pattern for the kagan, especially when we had to play it for the faster section of the song.   I will eventually get it though.  Mense has been helping me with that particular pattern and he assures me that I am very good for a beginner. 
Dinner was another rice dish, this time with a beef component.  YUM!  I am also starting to get used to having oranges and pineapple with every meal.  I am thinking that is a tradition I should bring back to the United States!

I am posting this just after dinner, but before I will be going to my evening dance class with Odante.  He assures me that I will be extremely tired after learning the new dance.  Hopefully that means I will be going right to sleep after I shower.

More to come later!!
P.S.  I am on my 5th bottle of water… and we drink the 1.5 liter bottles!!

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