Thursday, August 18, 2011

Short but sweet

August 14, 2011

Today was pretty tame.  We said our goodbyes to everyone at Dagbe and left for Accra.

 Posing for pictures with our private lesson teachers was pretty much what everyone did before we left.  Here I am with Mensah (left) and Odartey (below).
 Davida and I posed with Emanuel Agbeli, the owner and head of the Dagbe Center. (Left)

Below: The back row of the van in all its glory.  Davida, myself, Jacob, and Kerrie.

When we got to Accra, we checked back into the Afia Beach Hotel.  Most of us ordered extremely “Western” food for lunch.   That means we collectively ordered cheeseburgers (that don't actually taste like what you think they do) and fries.  Different, but good.

 Mid-afternoon we took a walking excursion to the ATM…a little intense.  People try to sell you things as you walk down the street; the desperation is so thick. We were almost pulled into the market by sales people but we decided to wait until later in the week.

Bedtime is very early tonight because we are traveling again in the morning.

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