Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ghanaians are really good at volleyball

August 7, 2011
Another weekend day that started with Batik Making.  I am finally finished with my piece though.  The purple came out beautiful.  I am very excited to bring it to Juliana to make my skirt when I get it back tomorrow.  

After I finished my project, Nani asked me to help him with a project he was working on.  So, he showed me how some batiks are painted with the dyes.  During this process, the wind blew the already dyed section onto my face, arms, and shirt….dying me in the process.  I got it off my skin pretty quickly, but my shirt was a different story.  Since it was Nani’s project, he decided he would dye my shirt for me.  He showed me how to do the tie process to create a bulls- eye effect.   He assured me it would look “mad cool” when it is finished.
Here is a picture of me getting the dye off my hands using some dirt!

Later on in the day we played some volleyball with people from the village and our instructors.   Needless to say the North America vs. Ghana game was pretty sad for us.  We got destroyed.  When we switched to having mixed teams it was a lot more fun and each team won a game.  A few of us are talking to Mensah to schedule another game.  It should be a lot of fun.  

For dinner we had a traditional Ghanaian feast.  I tried the Ground Nut and Chicken soup, which was amazingly delicious.  The chicken practically fell off the bone.  A few people told me that the Okra soup was pretty spicy, so I decided to stay away from it.  Maybe next time.

After dinner we all changed into our Ghanaian clothes if we had any, and got ready for the Dagbe Brass Concert.  One of my German friends, Joe, came here last year to kick start a program for brass instruments with instruments that were donated from friends of his.  He worked with the students for about a month, then came back one year later.  It was a very enjoyable concert. 
He is hoping to expand the program, he and I have discussed him bringing over some of my extra personal brass and percussion materials, along with a snare drum I have at home.  Anyone that has brass or percussion instruments around that they would like to donate, please let me know!!

Following that concert, during which we danced some Agbajah and other dances. A few were done in circles, which I am finding to happen a lot.

Plus, I got to see the shirt that Nani did for me, and it is AWESOME.  I love it!!!

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