Thursday, August 18, 2011

Final Preparations, Laundry, and the Beach

August 11, 2011

Today we worked on finishing Agbekor.  It was an interesting day because we also went on an excursion to the beach near Denu market.  The beaches here are incredible.  We took off our shoes, rolled up our pant legs, and started to walk down the beach.  Allie and I were in the middle of taking a picture together when a wave got us from behind.  Needless to say, the resulting photo was pretty funny, both of us frowning at our wet clothing.  We stayed on the beach for over an hour just watching the fishing boats and trying not to get hit by too many waves.  It was a futile effort though, as those waves found their way to get all of us at least twice.  Kristen and I got it the worst though. 

 The wave got Allie and I right after this was taken.
Note that Kristen and I are SOAKED.

Stereotype...I know.

On the way home we stopped at a gas station for some FanIce.  In the United States, gas station stores are not the highlight they are here.  We all bought ice cream, cookies, some people even bought wine.  I got some chocolate chip fan ice… it was AWESOME.  I was really craving the chocolate. 

When we got back, I started some laundry.  Laundry in Ghana means two buckets of water, one with soap.  You scrub, then rinse, ring it out and hang it on the line.  Hopefully it doesn’t rain before it dries.
During drumming, we determined our parts for Saturday’s concert.  I will playing sogo for “Gahu.” It is one of the harder parts and I am very excited.  Afterwards, I went and started a second,  more complicated basket.  This basket is a gift for someone, so that person should be pretty pumped when I give it to them. 

We practiced Tokoe in the performance group tonight with Mensah.  He has decided to have me lead for most of it.  A little scary, but he said it was because I was so confident and sure of all of my movements. 
Tomorrow is the last day of rehearsing before the concert.  I can’t believe it is almost show time!!!

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