Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cabella's....a maze of animals and camping gear

So, I took my first trip to the Cabella's store in Pennsylvania.  My plan was to simply get the few items on my list, then head back home.  However, I did not anticipate the store to be as large as it was.  I would have loved a map or some tracks to follow. (Maybe even put some of my old girl scout knowledge to use.)

I walked around for about 15 minutes trying to locate a pair of pants that zip off into shorts.  I settled on a pair of khaki colored pants that have extra sunproofing and bug protection made by Columbia.  They are EXTREMELY comfortable. I also found a few nice workout tanks from Northface that were on clearance.

The real adventure happened on the upper floor when I went to find the camping type gear.  I have never seen so many options!  There were aisles and aisles of just freeze dry food like raspberry crumble and beef stroganoff.   Unfortunately, I was not there for food.  

I got my ultra strength insect repellent for my clothing, a new backpack, and my handy dandy pacsafe.  Best find:  A dual pack of a flashlight and head lamp for only $15.

Cabella's also has a lot of animal displays, one from each area of the world.  I, of course, went to the African animal section.


I probably won't see many, if any, of these animals while I am in Ghana, but I thought the depictions of these scenes were very realistic!

A few days after I got home, I used the Sawyer Duranon Permethrin spray on my clothes.  It doesn't smell to nice but let me tell you, I saw bugs flying the other way.  Hopefully it will work this well in Africa!

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