Friday, June 24, 2011

Amazing gadgets!

So I have been looking at my packing list, which is pretty long, but manageable.  There are a few things I have been looking into that look cooler every time I check them out.

One of the items is called "Pacsafe."  They are basically high-tech fanny-packs that have steel wires going through them among other locks and buckles.  The only thing I can't really decide is: do I want to go full out fanny-pack or should I lean towards the should strap bag?  Thoughts?

The other stuff that I am really pumped about is "Sawyer Duranon Permethrin Insect Repellent".  This stuff looks unbelievable!  You basically cover your clothes in the spray.  It stays on them for two months, even if you wash them once a week!!! out malaria mosquitos! I am coming fully prepared to battle!

More updates to come, perhaps including photos from the Cabella's excursion that is soon to come.

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