Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The research continues...

So, I have been looking into some of the places I will be staying, and where I will be going.  Everything looks so beautiful!!!

 This is Kakum's Canopy Walk in Kakum National Rainforest Preserve.  It is basically a series of footbridges that go up among the canopy level in the rainforest.  My slight phobia of heights should make this particular endeavor very interesting.  I am very excited  for the chance to possibly see some wild life.

When I found the picture below, I was amazed at how they were even able to create a walkway among these trees.  It is almost as if the bridge is floating!

Here are some pictures of the Afia Village Hotel.  This is where we'll be staying during various transition legs of the trip.  From everything I have read, it is pretty much a beach paradise.  As a beach girl, I am pumped!

There are a couple of other places I will be going to, but I won't be able to put up pictures until I have been there.  One of the things I am most excited about is the visit to Master Drummer, David Amoo's workshop.  Seeing the drums being created will be something that I am sure I will remember vividly.  I am also pretty positive this will be the part my students will want to know the most about. :)

More to come!!!!

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