Saturday, July 30, 2011

Uh Oh Peanut Butter!

July 29, 2011

Here is a little known airport security fact.  You can’t have anything that is in a jar; even if it isn’t an item in liquid form.  So….my peanut butter got confiscated. 
For my students that remember me teaching them the peanut song, here are some new words for it.   
“Oh my peanut sat on the security belt.  
Next to all my liquids,
The checkpoint said, No Jars Allowed! 
So it went through the trash lid….”

On another note, the boarding call time for my flight is at 8:35.   I finished clearing security, sans peanut butter, at 1:15.  Good thing I love to read, and my nook is filled with brand new books!  Plus, my iPOD is set with lots of new music for me to analyze J 
The ride here was… interesting.  My brother, Raymond, and his awesome girlfriend, Ali, kept me thoroughly entertained.  This, of course, included Raymond driving with his visor upside down and backwards.  It really is a shame I never convinced him to do some theater; he would have been hilarious.  Traffic going through New York City wasn’t too bad; I have definitely seen it much worse.  This airport on the other hand is completely crazy, I have never been in an airport this big…that I recall anyway.  London/Heathrow was a little more manageable, as was Hamburg, Germany.  I am curious what the airport in Accra will look like…

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